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Hey hey. Been a while but I'm bored so I thought I'd update!!

Sadly we were forced to part ways with Nick last month, and after playing our final gig with him on October 22nd, we will be sporting a new percussionist in the form of James Barham.

James brings his own new flair to the band. With snare fills and big ears galore, this kid holds our near future in the palm of his hand! First gig with him is October 21st at the Ferryboat and then when we headline Alt-Halloween at the Marquee on October 31st.

We're sorry to see Nick leave but at the same time excited about what James can bring to the band.

Also, an MP3 for 'Skot Knows Best' is up over on along with label mates Powley, The Starfish and Dutch Boy. Head over there and check it out if you haven't heard this song or the other bands. Powerchord is headed for big things so show your support!


CAPDOWN w/Twofold and BUCKET  Tickets are £7.50 from your usual outlets but probably cheaper off us when we get our batch but I'll keep you posted.

Anyhoos, that's about all the big news for now. Hopefully see you all at some shows before the end of the month!!!

-Matt x


They were formed in July 2002 by Matt Smith (guitar, vocals) and Chris Darby (bass, vocals) with the intention of becoming one of the most exciting punk acts in East Anglia. Nick Francis (drums) was added to the complete the trio in September 2002 after a tiring search for a suitable drummer.
They didn't play together until their fist gig on Febuary 13th (how crazys that).
With inspirations being mainly bands such as blink-182, NOFX, Finch, Capdown and Goldfinger their sound is catchy and distinguishable from other bands in the area.


When I have time I want to make a page called "Pit Crew". This page will have all the thugz that come to our gigs and kick ass and bust heads in the pit. These people are Matt Evans (aka Master of Intoxication), Spurrel (aka Ozzy) and Tom 'Drink till You Puke' Chapman.
You may not be a pro at pitting like these guys but you can always learn at

Use this link and you'll be a pro in no time...
laterz Chris


El Bucketero Communitero
You fags have abandoned the almighty board!! What's your problem?! Let's get this beast up and running again!! Especially you Milbourne!!! 







Some of Bucket's Guitars!

Punk Voter